Our small grant scheme has been running since the winter of 2016.
The Women’s Group in Namtar
Initially six women were selected by the community on a needs basis and were given start up grants. They were charged a small interest on the loan, which was repaid into a community fund, enabling other women to benefit. This has been so successful that to date (June 2024), there are a total of 262 women in six cooperatives benefiting from the grant scheme.
The women from the more established cooperatives act as mentors to the newer entrepreneurs. This scheme is now fully sustainable.
Businesses chosen by individuals include rearing animals (chickens, goats and pigs), manufacturing incense, carpet weaving, tailors, running small cafes and cultivating vegetables, flowers and spices. On our visit in March 2023 we met several entrepreneurs who shared their stories of success. Two years ago, Gita bought four female goats for 60,000 Nprs. By last autumn she had increased this to twenty-six goats. She recently made 70,000 Nprs when she sold four males for meat. No wonder she was so delighted with how things were going! One of the original six ginger farmers, Ganga Maya, has managed to buy a tuk tuk for her son to set up a taxi business. Pramila took out a loan of 50,000 Nprs to set up her vegetable growing business. On the back of this success she has been able to buy several goats, a buffalo and a cow to add to her small-holding. One of the most recent participants of this scheme is breeding Catfish and another has set up a small grinding/milling facility.
It would not be possible for us to work closely with these communities if we did not have our wonderful trusted advisor Mr Anil Deoja. Anil worked for PLAN International for over twenty years, helping to establish the women’s cooperatives that are crucial to the success of the projects. These cooperatives already have procedures in place for secure banking, monitoring and evaluating projects.
Gita and her goats
Sabina in her shop with her tailoring business
Anil (centre with sunglasses) and some of our entrepreneurs.