Palliative care training for a further nineteen health care staff in Nisikhola has been successfully completed. This will make an enormous positive difference to those people living with life-limiting conditions in this district of Nepal. Please see ‘Hospice and palliative care’ on our current projects page for more information.
Thank you so much to everyone who supported our Winter Coats Appeal! We are delighted to report that thanks to your generosity we have reached our target this year and the coats have already been distributed in time for the cold winter months ahead. Thank You!!
Learn MoreWe are thrilled to report that since our Small Grants Scheme was extended to include a sixth women’s cooperative, the total number of women entrepreneurs has now reached 262.
Learn MoreA second school counselling corner has been established following on from the success of the first one set up in March 2023. For more information, see our Current Projects page.
On the 21st Sept 2024, a day long workshop was organised to bring members of the six women’s cooperatives together to share best practice and develop a plan for future sustainability.
We are delighted to announce that Durga, one of our three staff at Arnakot, has just completed and passed with flying colours her specialist birthing training! This was funded entirely by NEPAL-ease, thanks to our wonderful supporters.