
Supporting Community Projects and Health Care in Nepal

Our Mission

NEPAL-ease is a small charity that works directly with communities in Nepal, supporting sustainable projects identified by them. These include health, well-being, women’s enterprise and education.We also work closely with palliative care providers improving people’s access to good end of life care. NEPAL-ease is a registered charity in England and Wales (registered charity number 1168931)

Palliative Care

Palliative Care

Palliative care training for a further nineteen health care staff in Nisikhola has been successfully completed. This will make an enormous positive difference to those people living with life-limiting conditions in this district of Nepal. Please see ‘Hospice and palliative care’ on our current projects page for more information.

Winter Coats Appeal

Winter Coats Appeal

Following on from last year’s successful appeal, we have been asked to fund winter coats and educational materials for a further 275 children. This will be our focus for fundraising between now and Christmas. Just £10 will buy a child a warm hooded coat, a fleece, socks and gloves. If you can help us with fundraising to reach this target, we’d love to hear from you!

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262 Women now benefitting from the Small Grants Scheme

262 Women now benefitting from the Small Grants Scheme

We are thrilled to report that since our Small Grants Scheme was extended to include a sixth women’s cooperative, the total number of women entrepreneurs has now reached 262.

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Students’ Counselling Corner

Students’ Counselling Corner

A second school counselling corner has been established following on from the success of the first one set up in March 2023. For more information, see our Current Projects page.

Empowering Women: A Workshop in Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Practices

Empowering Women: A Workshop in Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Practices

On the 21st Sept 2024, a day long workshop was organised to bring members of the six women’s cooperatives together to share best practice and develop a plan for future sustainability.

Durga’s Exam Success

Durga’s Exam Success

We are delighted to announce that Durga, one of our three staff at Arnakot, has just completed and passed with flying colours her specialist birthing training! This was funded entirely by NEPAL-ease, thanks to our wonderful supporters.

Small Grant Scheme

Small Grant Scheme

We provide small grants to women who wish to set up a business to help support their families. Profits are ploughed back into a Community Fund to finance further grants to more women.

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Supporting Healthcare  in Arnakot

Supporting Healthcare in Arnakot

NEPAL-ease funds free healthcare for the small mountain top community of Arnakot, in a remote region of Nepal, as well as paying small living allowance to the three staff.

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Re-usable Menstruation Pads

Re-usable Menstruation Pads

We support the promotion of education around menstrual health and the distribution of free reusable menstruation pads to young girls.

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Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice and Palliative Care

We support Hospice Nepal with the provision of some of their equipment needs as well as contributing to the maintenance of the building.

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Supporting Teachers in a Rural Community

Supporting Teachers in a Rural Community

At the request of a community in Makwanpur district and under Anil’s expert guidance, the charity agreed to financially support the implementation of a new Year 6 teacher.

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Education support for children

Education support for children

Thanks to a very generous donor, the charity was able to fund one hundred educational packages which were distributed to children from the three most marginalized ethnic minority groups (Chepang, Tamang and Magar) who live in the most remote, isolated areas of Makwanpur.

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Warm winter clothes appeal

Warm winter clothes appeal

For the last three years we have been involved in the purchasing and distribution of several hundred parcels of winter clothes to children in Makwanpur who were most in need.

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Student Counselling Corner

Student Counselling Corner

A pilot project to support a secondary school counsellor to address issues such as menstrual health, child marriage and child exploitation among others.

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Women Coming Together

In Sept 2024, a day long workshop was organised to bring members of the six women’s cooperatives together to share best practice and develop a plan for future sustainability.

Women Coming Together

We are very proud of Durga whom we have funded through two years of nursing and recent specialist birthing training. Along with Bishnu and Chet, she is making a wonderful contribution to healthcare in Arnakot.

School Day Meal Project

NEPAL-ease provided a midday meal to a group of 59 schoolchildren, many of whom walk an hour each way to school and would otherwise have no food between 8am and 5pm.

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School Hostel

NEPAL-ease is financing the creation of a School Hostel in rural Makwampur to enable up to 40 students to stay overnight to avoid long walks to and from school and enhance educational opportunity.

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Health Centre, Namtar

NEPAL-ease donated the final £5,000 toward the cost of the land on which a new Health Centre in Namtar will be built and Building has recently commenced.

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Covid19 Emergency Aid

Provision of Food and Medical Supplies to remote communities in Arnakot and Makwampur.

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Chitwan National Cancer Hospital

NEPAL-ease is pleased to be able to contribute towards support for the Chitwan National Cancer Hospital.

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Our First Project

Providing new battery back up and solar panels for Hospice Nepal, along with storage units, medical supplies, pressure relief equipment and syringe driver extension sets.


UK Charitable Status Granted to NEPAL-ease


October 2016

Small grant scheme launched. Training and resources delivered to one of the national cancer hospitals.

Learn More01/10/2016


Financial Contributions made for a variety of projects helping Schools and Health Provision in the region. Initiation of School Hostel Project and further support for Health Projects in the area.

Learn More01/01/2017


Participation in a variety of a Health Projects and the beginning of our involvement in the Menstruation Project. In addition to agreeing to fund a small monthly living allowance for Bishnu, the qualified nurse/midwife in Arnakot. The charity agreed to sponsor the training and all associated costs for a second nurse. The community chose Durga who was from a humble background and had dreamed of becoming a nurse. The training will last for two years and be mainly based in and around Pokhara. We also paid for necessary medication and equipment for the health post in Arnakot to enable to community to have access to free health care if needed.

Learn More01/03/2018


Support for Menstruation Pads Project and Provision of Covid19 Emergency Assistance.

Learn More31/03/2020


Food relief to seventy-five families in Makwanpur in Jan 2021. Funding for a Year 6 teacher. 500 kits of reusable menstruation pads funded. Emergency medical supplies for Arnakot Health Post. Warm winter clothes packages containing a warm hooded coat, a fleece, scarf and two pairs of warm socks given to 100 children Educational support packages distributed to 100 primary aged children.

Learn More01/01/2021


Funding for a Year 7 teacher is agreed. The government has taken on the salary for the year 6 teacher. Small grant is extended to a 4th women’s cooperative Warm winter clothes packages are distributed to 198 children



The new birthing suite extension to the health post is completed. Architect Rob Rickey spent many hours designing the extension and NEPAL-ease contributed more than £11,000 towards the costs. In addition, the charity sends out £7000 annually to Arnakot. This is put towards the running costs of the health post, including staff wages and free medications and dressings for the community. It also includes the purchasing of goats as part of a sustainability project. NEPAL-ease funded the palliative care training of 18 healthcare workers, held at Green Pastures hospital.

Thank You

Thank You

A big Thank You to everyone who has contributed in any way to NEPAL-ease. It has enabled us to reach out and support a variety of very worthwhile projects. We would love to thank you personally for your donation, but if you decide to be anonymous on the Just Giving website, we have no way of knowing who you are. We are extremely grateful for your donation and send a very big Thank You!

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We are pleased to announce that NEPAL-ease is now registered with Easy Fund Raising . If you shop online, please consider entering your desired retail site via Easy Fund Raising - that’s all there is to it! And raise money for NEPAL-ease! Over £179 raised so far!

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Christmas Fair 2024

Our Christmas Fair this year will be held on Saturday 30th November 2024 10-12 noon at Fair Park.

Coffee and Catch Up Mornings

Coffee and Catch Up Mornings

If you would like to join us for a cup of coffee, delicious cakes and plenty of friendly chat, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Palliative Care

Palliative care training for a further nineteen health care staff in Nisikhola has been successfully completed. This will make an enormous positive difference to those people living with life-limiting conditions in this district of Nepal. 100% of Donations Go To Support Our Projects

Winter Coats Appeal

We are aiming to provide 275 children in remote, rural Nepal with a set of warm winter clothing. This consists of hooded coat, fleece, gloves and socks, costing just £10. In the last 3 years we have funded more than 600 sets for children. Please Donate!



Thanks to a very generous donor, the charity was able to fund one hundred educational packages which were distributed to children from the three most marginalized ethnic minority groups (Chepang, Tamang and Magar) who live in the most remote, isolated areas of Makwampur

One Off or Monthly Donation

One Off or Monthly Donation

Our work depends on the funding we raise so what we really want to do is increase awareness of our work and raise as much money as we can to support our projects! Your donation enables us to directly support a variety of projects in Nepal. You can donate on a one-off or on a monthly basis to NEPAL-ease via JustGiving.

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Monthly Donation by Direct Debit or Standing Order

Monthly Donation by Direct Debit or Standing Order

A monthly donation allows you to make a regular commitment to support NEPAL-ease’s Projects in Nepal. Many of our projects rely on a continuing commitment of support so a regular income stream is hugely beneficial.

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Payment by Direct Bank Transfer

Payment by Direct Bank Transfer

If you wish to make a payment by Direct Bank Transfer.

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Winter Coats Appeal

Winter Coats Appeal

To donate to the Winter Coats Appeal, please click for further information.

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